East Asian Development Network


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EADN assists GDN in the implementation and management of the Global Research Projects. One of which is a global research project on Explaining Growth, implemented in two phases.

In the first phase, 4 thematic papers were prepared by EADN.

  • Sources of East Asian Growth: Some Evidence from Cross-Country Studies, by Chin Hee Hahn and Jong-il Kim.
  • Markets and Economic Growth in East Asia, by Ammar Siamwalla
  • Microeconomic Determinants of Economic Growth in East Asia, by Ari Kuncoro
  • The Political Economy of Growth in East Asia, by Medhi Krongkaew

In the second phase, 8 country studies were prepared by EADN.

  • China country study, by Tang Jie and Zhao Jianglin
  • Indonesia country study, by Carunia M Firdausy, Haryo Aswicahyono and Lepi Tarmidi
  • Korea country study, by Won-Am Park
  • Malaysia country study, by Kevin Chew and Chaynee Wong
  • Philippines country study, by Amado Mendoza
  • Singapore country study, by Chia Siow Yue
  • Thailand country study, by Somchai Jitsuchon
  • Vietnam country study, by Le Dang Doanh, Vo Tri Thanh, Pham Thi Lan Huong, Dinh Hien Minh and Nguyen Quang Thang

Researchers from EADN also participated in the Global Research Projects on Understanding Reform, on Bridging Research and Policy, and on Impact of Rich Country Policies on Poverty.