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EADN Annual Forum 2006

EADN Annual Forum 2006, which was the 8th Annual Forum of EADN, was held at Beijing Friendship Hotel, Beijing, China on January 12-13, 2007. The Forum was co-organized by Thailand Development Research Institute (TDRI), Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies (IAPS), Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), and the Global Development Network (GDN). The participants included 46 scholars and experts from EADN members, JBIC, Australian National University, and Doshisha University, Japan.

The content of the Forum covers 1) presentations of results of EADN individual and regional research projects, 2) presentations of research plan for new regional research projects; and 3) discussions on future activities.

Pictures at the meeting room

The Forum was divided up into seven sessions as follows.

Session 1 Presentation of Results of Individual Research Projects I
    - “Corporate Governance, Risk Management, and Bank Performance: Dose Type of Ownership Matter? by Eduardus Tandelilin, Faculty of Economics, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
    - “Monetary Transmission in Vietnam: A VAR Approach in the Period of 1990-2004” by Pham Chi Quang, Global Treasury Department, The Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam (Vietcombank), Hanoi, Vietnam.
Session 2 Presentation of Results of Individual Research Projects II
    - “The Linkages between Trade and Financial Integration and Output Volatility in East Asia” by Dennis Mapa, School of Statistics, University of the Philippines, Quezon City
“Philippine Economic Zones: Catalysts for Shared Growth?” by Max Maquito, Sekiguchi Global Research Association
Session 3 Presentation of Results of Individual Research Projects III
    “Linguistic and Religious Influences on Foreign Trade: Evidence from East Asia” by Rongxing Guo, Regional Science Association of China at Peking University, Beijing, China.
“The Impact of Privatization on Firm Performance in Vietnam” by Truong Dong Loc, School of Economics and Business Administration, Cantho University, Cantho City, Vietnam.
Session 4 Presentation of Results of Individual Research Projects IV
    Mantang Cai, Beijing Development Institute, Peking University
    “Social and Policy Innovations for Securing Fair Benefit Sharing in Company-Farmers Partnership for Technology Application in Agricultural Sector”
  Management Committee Meeting
Session 5 Presentation of Results of Regional Research Projects I
    “Political Transition and Economic Development” by Hadi Soesastro, Executive Director, Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Indonesia, and Team
Session 6 Presentation of Regional Research Projects II
    Research Plan for Regional Project on “Economic and Social Impact of Market Liberalization: A case study on China-ASEAN Early Harvest Arrangement”
by Zhang Yunling, IAPS, CASS, China and Team
Session 7 Discussions on Future Activities
Introduction to Visiting Fellow Program of the Korea Institute of International Economic Policy (KIEP) by Hyungdo Ahn, Director, Center for Northeast Asian Economic Cooperation, KIEP
    - Ideas for New Regional Research Project by Josef T. Yap, President, Philippines Institute for Development Studies (PIDS)

Some presentations of individual and regional research projects

Introduction to Visiting Fellow Program of the KIEP

Click for Program of the EADN Annual Forum 2006
Click for List of Participants of the EADN Annual Forum 2006


GDN’s Eight Annual Global Development Conference on Shaping a New Global Reality: The rise of Asia and its Implications was held on January 12-19, 2007 at Beijing Friendship Hotel, Beijing, China. The Conference was co-organized by GDN, Beijing Municipal Government, and Peking University. The Conference attracted nearly 600 participants from 93 countries gathering to discuss the theme over seven days of workshops, plenary and parallel sessions. EADN members were also invited and some of them were requested to perform key roles in various sessions as Chair, Panelists, and Presenters, and Panelist.

Parallel 5.2: Good Governance and Civil Service Reforms in South and Southeast Asia chaired by EADN Regional Coordinator

EADN members at Welcoming Banquet

Shaping a New Global Reality: The Rise of Asia and its Implications

The rise of Asia belongs to the most dramatic international developments at the turn of the 20th century. Asia’s Four Little Dragons (also known as East Asian Tigers) – Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, and South Korea – impressed the world by high growth rates and rapid industrialization between the early 1960s and 1990s. Their economic success is now being replicated by Giant Dragons – China and India, which together account for 37.5 percent of the world population and 6.4 percent of the world output and income. Though significantly lagging behind the economic leaders, some countries of Central Asia have also emerged on the global map as important energy suppliers. As a result, Asia is poised to become the largest nucleus of economic power, expected to contribute close to one-half of the global GDP by 2025.

Implications of Asia’s rise

What are the factors of Asia’s growth and is this growth sustainable? Does the exceptional economic performance of this region translate into improving quality of life and poverty reduction? Addressing these questions would help understand the sources and dimensions of Asia’s boom. Moreover, the Dragons do not grow in isolation: their economies are increasingly integrated into the global markets, which makes their rise an even more intriguing phenomenon. This global outlook calls for another set of questions: What are the implications of Asia’s newfound power for the rest of the world? Does the emergence of Asia benefit other regions or does it inevitably generate a new array of winners and losers of globalization? Will it help build a better world of peace and prosperity, with more people enjoying its offerings, or will it result in greater conflict, social inequality, depletion of natural resources, and environmental degradation?

A new global reality: economic, political, social and cultural

Asia’s spectacular ascendancy in the world arena is shaping a new global reality in many different respects: economic, political, social, and cultural. Tangible economic dimensions of its impact are being supplemented by a new interdependence among greater and lesser economic and political powers, with serious implications for the geopolitical strategy. The new promise of poverty alleviation in a large part of the developing world is also fraught with the pitfalls of an increasing gap between the global elite – regardless of its national origin – and marginalized groups not partaking of the fruits of globalization. The negotiation of new roles and contributions of various regions as a result of Asia’s advance also highlights changes in values and norms and the entire
culture of the affected communities.

Conference venue: located in China

It is deeply symbolic that GDN’s annual conference under this theme is held in China – the most rapidly developing country in the world. Attracting an impressive contingent of scholars from and on Asia, the conference will explore the prospects and challenges of Asian development, considering the continent’s most recent past but particularly focusing on its present and expected future. The structure of the conference program will reveal particular interest in implications of Asia’s rise for other regions of the world. One of the plenary sessions will discuss concerns about low growth and high poverty in Latin America, which are reinforced by the new global dynamic. Another plenary session focused on the Middle East and Africa will discuss the ability of these regions to take advantage of the increased global demand for natural resources – which is largely
due to fast-growing Asian economies – and implement structural reforms.

Plenary and parallel sessions

Yet another plenary session on transition countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States and Central/Eastern Europe will examine potentially different patterns of their adjustment to the booming Asia, depending on their size, natural wealth, history, the level of economic development and the chosen model of economic growth, as well as the interplay between economic and political reforms. Opportunities for sustainable development and poverty reduction will be the underlying theme in all these discussions, culminating in a separate plenary session on “Moving out of Poverty,” which will report findings from the global 15-country study that brings a bottom-up perspective to the ongoing debate on pro-poor growth. The parallel (break-out) sessions will reflect multiple facets of the new global reality shaped by the emergence of Asia: changes in global trade, resource flows and industrial development; implications of the new global context for labor markets, provision of healthcare and welfare; and the new challenges for improving governance and reforming public services. Research workshops held prior and after the conference will further deepen the discussion of the Asian drivers of growth as well as benefits and risks associated with their upsurge.
For more information on the 8th Annual Global Development Conference, please click on http://www.gdnet.org/middle.php?oid=980