East Asian Development Network


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EADN provides financial support aimed at improving research capacity and quality through Individual Research Grants. These are awarded to individuals and research teams.

  • Publicity: These research grants are awarded on a competitive basis. The calls for research proposals are made variously through advertisements in professional journals, through publicity materials via fax and email to research institutions in member countries as well as through the EADN country coordinators and member institutes.
  • Eligibility criteria: Initially confined largely to Economics, the awards are now open to all the Social Sciences.

Preference is given to topics which are development-oriented and policy-relevant. Applications are restricted to researchers from the East Asian developing economies. Applications can be by individual researchers or by research teams. As part of research capacity building, joint research proposals by senior and junior researchers are encouraged.

  • Size of research grant: The amount of the research grant varies, depending on the scope of the research subject, complexity of the research methodology including data acquisitions and field work to collect primary data, length of time required to complete the research and the number of researchers involved. In general, the grant amount requested should not exceed US$15,000.
  • Selection process and criteria: Assessment of research proposals and the final selection are done by the Regional Coordinator and panel of prominent and senior researchers and scholars.
  • Review process: This covers the research proposal stage, the interim report and the final report.

Completed research projects are published as EADN Working Papers (click here to view the completed studies). Researchers are encouraged to disseminate their research results to policy makers in their countries and to publish them in academic journals and other publication outlets.